It was only our second day of work and we were plowin' through with no problems. The floor was all done, and many wall frames were up - so we started putting in actual walls, as well as double layering the beams at the top of the walls. It was pretty cool to be putting the walls into place because at my last H4H trip in Spring of '09, all we did was build walls and we never even saw the house that they went to. So when we are putting up walls that were pre-made, it was a nice realization to know that some other group of volunteers had spent a week putting these walls together - it definitely made me appreciate what we did in '09 much more.
I also got to make a beam pocket as one of my little projects. That was interesting to say the least. After asking for clarification about 15 times and a couple of bad measurements, the beam pocket was complete. It was pretty fun though, because I was working with Meg, Lindsey, and Ernesta, who had all never used the circular saw before. They all got sawing lessons, as well as learning how to measure and what not. It was a lot of fun working as a mini-team, especially when we finally had a completed product.
We had a pretty light agenda Wednesday night, which was nice. I made some tomato sauce and we had pasta with garlic bread for dinner. Followed by a group trip to Walgreens & Walmart.
And oh yea, the weather has been perfect everyday. Hanging around the low 70's, barely any humidity, and sunny. Can't beat it.
Me & Ernesta - lots of laughs amongst this pairing. |
In mockery of Ernesta after she told me to be careful on the ladder. |
Meg's sawing lesson - good thing she's paying attention =P |
Meg's first cut...sweet. |
Day 2 family photo. |
Gaby & Pat were the double-layer beam team, crawling all over the walls. |
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